Lower Mayfair After School Program was instituted by the Philadelphia Parks and Recreation to improve the lives of Philadelphia's children and to support Philadelphia's families. Our primary goal is to provide a safe place with structured activities during non-school hours for children to play, learn and grow.
Lower Mayfair After School Program will operate on school days from 3:00PM until 6:00PM. In a structured environment, children will be given the opportunity to play, work on homework and participate in sports, games, and arts and crafts. Various other enhanced activities will be offered throughout the school year. A supper meal is provided daily.
Play is an important component of the After School Program. Time is set aside for children to relax, be with friends and select activities they can enjoy.
For more information call the office at 215 685-1227
After School Program Fees Per Week
$100.00 a month for one child
$60.00 a month for second child
$20.00 a month for third child