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Lower Mayfair Playground invites children ages eight to fourteen to join our Drama Club.

Our club meets every Thursday starting November thru April from 6:30PM to 7:30PM.

Cost is $60.00 due at time of registration


Call for Registration Dates and Times


"No experience in drama is necessary to become a part of the club"



The purpose of the club is on improvisation. The children start off with fun icebreaker activities, then learn games to become confident in their ability to improvise in front of an audience. Each week the children learn body movement and vocal warm-ups. Tongue twisters are also practiced to emphasize the importance of diction on stage.

After the children have worked on their improvisation skills they then begin to work on their show.

The Drama Show will be performed at the end of the season.


Come on out for a fun-filled time and see what Drama Club is all about!

You just might want to join us next time!


For more information contact the office at 215 685-1227.

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